SURVEY OF THE MANORS OF BRINKWORTH HANKERTON AND BROKENBOROUGH 1602 SURVEY OF THE MANORS OF BRINKWORTH HANKERTON AND BROKENBOROUGH 1602 From the original document held at the Essex County Record Office, Chelmsford. Aquisition reference: D/DBy M159. Brinkworth page 2 Hankerton page 9 Brokenborough page 12 Index of places and field names page 14 Index of persons page 17 CLIVE R.G. HENLY 9, Renfrew Drive, Wollaton, Nottingham. NG8 2FX. 1. A trowe rent rolle of the mannor or Lordshippe of Brinkworth in the countie of Wiltshire made the 8th day of Julie 1602 by Henrie Powle gent then steward there. Free holders The Parson of Brinkworth for certaine lands holden freelie of this mannor by fealtie suite of courte and the yearlie rente of 13s 4d. The same Parson also for court sylver for foure tenements belonginge to his parsonage 22d. Indenture holders for two thousande yeares 2. John Davis als Tayler for the rente of 2 tenements with the appurtanences and 9 acres of lands 12d. 3. John Lewen for the rente of 2 tenements called Wisdomes and Seelies and 86 acres of lands 2s. 4. Thomas Trumplin for the rente of a close called Greate Spachenham containing 35 acres with the appurtanences 12d. 5. John Richmonde for the rente of a pasture grounde called Hargrave containing 23 acres and of 8 acres in Graselande with the appurtanences 12d. Sum per annum 5s. Customarie Tenants 6. Margarete Henlie widowe for a tenement with 19 acres and a halfe of meadowe and pasture with the appurtanences 9s 5d and for court sylver 5d ob and for meade sylver 4d and 2 hennes and a cocke customarie yerelie. 7. John Sherer for a close called Parkers containing 6 acres a close called Parkers Meade containing 4 acres a tofte called Parkers Barton containing halfe an acre and a house nowe builte with their appurtanences 6s 1d ob and for court sylver 5d ob. 8. (blank) Beale sonne of William Beale the elder for 3 messuages called Cultabius Worth and Oder and all lands meadowes and pastures thereto belonginge except a close called Horse Crofte a furlonge called Parkers Furlonge and one acre of meadowe in Horsham 53s 4d. For court sylver 16d ob and for meade sylver 10d. In toto 55s 6d ob. 9. Thomas Sherer for a tenement called Pacyes als Healehouse with the lands meadowes and pastures thereto belonginge 5s 2d. For court sylver 5d ob and for meade sylver 4d and 2 hennes and a cocke customarie yerelie. 10. Edmund Wallis for 2 tenements called Pleyers and Millards with their appurtanences 16s and for court sylver 11d for meade sylver 8d. In toto 21s 7d. 11. Joan Thorne widowe for a tenement with the appurtanences called Wingods 7s 7d. For court sylver 5d ob, for meade sylver 4d and two hennes and a cocke customary. 12. William Clarke in right of Joane his wiefe for a certeyne tenement halfe yarde lands one meadowe and three closes of pasture with the appurtanences 16s 4d. For court sylver 5s ob and for meade sylver 4d. In toto 17s 1d ob. 13. William Beale the younger for a tenement called Maurice with the lands meadowes and pastures thereunto belonginge 9s 10d. For court sylver 5d ob, for meade sylver 4d. In toto 10s 7d ob. 14. Robert Beale sonne of William Beale the younger for a tenement or tofte called Bawldins a tofte called Stephens a lane called Webbes Lane and all lands meadowes pastures thereunto belonginge 11s 9d. For court sylver 11d, for meade sylver 6d and 2 hennes and a cocke customary. 15. The same Robert for a messuage or tenement called Bagges with a close of pasture adjoyninge containing 8 acres and for an acre of meadowe in Eastleighe 5s 3d ob. For court sylver 5d ob, for meade sylver 2d and 2 hennes 1 cocke customary. 16. Elizabeth Sherer widowe for a messuage called Sibbills with lands meadowes and pastures thereunto belonginge 26s 8d. For court silver 5d ob, for meade sylver 4d and 2 hennes and a cocke customary. 17. Thomas Lewen for a messuage and garden and backeside called Fosters and for 4 closes called Homeclose Downe Crofte Gillings and Combe Close 7s 2d ob. For court sylver 11d, for meade silver 4d one dayes mowinge yerelie 4 hennes and one cocke customary. In toto 8s 5d ob a mower 4 hennes and 1 cocke. 18. George Johnes in right of Agnes his wife for 3 messuages or tenements called Gorwyaes als Cops Birdes and Lacies with the appurtanences 22s 5d. For court silver 16d ob and for meade silver 14d. In toto 24s 11d ob. 19. Agnes Dobbes widowe for a tenement barne garden and orcharde called Paynes and 4 closes of meadowe adjoyning £4. For court silver 5d ob, for meade silver 4d. In toto £4 11d ob. 20. Richard Becke for a messuage called Fletchers 3 closes of pasture containing 8 acres one close lyinge in the slowe containing 3 acres and 4 rudges in Winmill Feilde 4s 1d ob. For court sylver 5d ob, for meade silver 4d and 2 hennes 1 cocke customary. 21. Christian Haywarde for a messuage called Iles a close called Home Close a close called Church Crofte a meadowe neare the bridges a meadowe in Winmil Feilde an acre of meadowe in Broad Meade a close called Worth a close called North Crofte a close in West Feilde a peece of meadowe in Woodclose 18s 1d. For courte sylver 11d and meade sylver 8d a mower and hey maker 2 hennes and a cocke. In toto 19s 8d a mower a heymaker 2 hennes and 1 cocke. 22. John Phillips for the moytie of a tenement called Hartes bringe the west parte thereof with a garden and orchard adjoyninge and the moytie also of 4 closes of pasture containing by estimacion 6 acres and a halfe and the moytie of a close of pasture called Howells containing 3 acres and halfe. One meadowe called Munbreache a meadowe called Litle Meade and the moytie opf a meadowe lyinge in Windmill Feilde 8s 8d. For Court Silver 5d ob, for meade sylver 4d one mower one heymaker halfe a daye and 2 hennes and a cocke customary. 23. John Barnes for the other moytie of the saide messuage called Harts beinge the easte parte thereof with a gardene and prcharde adjoyning the moytie of all the closes meadowes and pastures to the two tenements called Harts and Howells belonginge beinge the easte parte and the moytie of the said pasture called Howells one close of meadowe in the East Leighe and the moytie of a close of meadow lyinge in the Windmill Feilde 8s 8d. For court sylver 5d ob, for meade sylver 4d 2 hennes and 1 cocke customary. 24. Thomas Beale for a tofte called Hourehouse and a close called Longe Crofte a close called Litle Hammes a tofte called Phelps a close called Wood Close and an acre of meadowe in Broade Meade 10s 4d. For court sylver 11d, for meade sylver 6d. In toto 11s 8d. 25. Ralphe Pinnill for a messuage called Pleyers a close called Home Close containing 8 acres a close in Over West feilde containing 7 acres 7s 1d ob. For court sylver 2d ob and for meade sylver 2d. 26. Michaell Fry for a messuage curtilage garden and orchard called Freemans als Selwyns a close called Home Meade another close called Over Lease and a close called Stockemeade 6s 6d. For court sylver 5d ob, for meade silver 4d a mower and hey maker. 27. John Pinnill for a meadowe called Hodds Crofte containing 3 acres a meadowe called Slowebridge containing 2 acres and the halfe of a close called Rampst containing 6 acres 7s 1d. For court silver 2d ob, for meade silver 2d. In toto 7s 6d. 28. William Henlie for 2 tenements called Wisdomes and Waters Holes with all lands meadowes and pastures thereunto appurteyning 14s 2d. For court silver 11d, for meade silver 6d 4 hennes and a cocke. 29. Richard Arnolde for a tenement called Frittoes a close containing by estimacion 6 acres a 3 rudges with the appurtanences 20s. For court silver 5d ob and for meade silver 2d. 30. Thomas Walker for a messuage a curtuladge garden and orchard called Taylers a close called Homeclose a close called Eastleighe and another close called Putsuge 7s 6d. For court silver 5d ob, for meade silver 2d and 2 hennes 1 cocke customary. 31. Elizabeth Beale (mort) wife of John Beale for a tenement called Churchams a close adjoyning a close called Easte Close two acres in Leighe Feilde an acre of meadowe there a poocke of meadowe in Wyving Hall 2 acres in Nether Weste Feilde a close there and 12 acres in Winmill Feilde with the appurtanences 12s ob. For court silver 5d ob and for meade sylver 4d. In toto 12s 9d. 32. William Barnes for a tenement called Slade House with the appurtanences 13s 2d ob. For court silver 5d ob, for meade silver 4d and 3 hennes and a cocke customary. 33. Richard Pinnell for a tenement called Breaches on orcharde containing halfe an acre one close called Cornecrofte a pasture called Sheepecrofte a meadowe called Longe Meade one acre of lande in Winmill Feilde three acres in Glasselande another tenement called Barkers Heyes and 2 other closes called Bakers with the appurtanences 7s 2d. for court silver 11d, for meade silver 6d. 34. Alice Beale widowe late wife of Humfrey Beale for a tenement called Dell with certayne landes meadowe and pasture thereto belonginge 3s 9d ob. For court silver 5d ob, for meade silver 2d and a hen and 1 cocke. 35. John Skull for a messuage and halfe yarde lands called White Williams 2 acres of lande in Easte Leighe with the appurtanences 6s 5d. For court silver 5d ob and for meade silver 4d. 36. Elizabeth Foscotte widowe for a tenement and lands meadowes and pastures thereto belonginge called Velde 14s 5d. For courte silver 5d ob, for meade sylver 4d. 37. Richard Hollowaye for a cottage or smale tenement and a garden late in the occupacion of Elizabeth Thorne widowe deceased. 2s. 38. Agnes Parsons widowe for a tenement and 7 acres of pasture with the tithes of the premises hthereunto belonginge. 20s. 39. Nicholas Messeter for a tenement and halfe a pasture called Sheepehouse Furlonge containing by estimacion 9 acres with the tithes thereof. 13s 4d. 40. William Durren for a messuage and 2 severall closes called Sheepehouse Close Furlonge with a plot of pasture at the north ende thereof containing by estimacion 3 farrundells with a cottage upon the said plott erected and with the tithes of the premises. A reversion there for noe rente here as yet. 41. William Clarke for a moyetie of a parcell of grounde and grove of wood called Weste Hargrove with the tithes thereof. 5s. 42. William Beale for the other moytie of the parcell of grounde and grove of wood called Weste Hargrove with the tithes. 5s. 43. Johane Pinnill for that moytie of a grove of wood called Weste Hargrove which lieth on the south side of the cart waye of the same grove with the tithes of the same. 10s. 44. The same Johane Pinnill for one close of meadowe or pasture in Nether Weste Feilde containing 5 acres a close called Horse Crofte and another close lyinge in West Feilde conteyninge 7 acres and the tithes of the said 2 closes last named together with a drifte waye over the easte ende of Slade Close 5s. For horse crofte 6s 8d and for the reste of the premises besides the tithes 13s and for the tithes 16d. In toto 25s. 45. Nicholas Emott for a tenement lately builded and an acre of grounde adjoyninge to Glasse lands. 12d. 46. Ambrose White for a cottage and halfe an acre of grounde at Johnes Greene. 2s. 47. William Beale the younger for a messuage or tenement called Pingles and all lands meadowes pastures commons and hereditaments to the same appurteyning. 13s 4d. 48. The same William for the grounds called Pitts Lands and the tithes thereunto belonginge. £3. 49. John Bleeke for two closes called the Breaches lyinge on the west parte of Hargrove and one meadowe adjoyning. 40s. 50. Thomas Dixson for a close called Large Acre another close called Pudsudge in Windmill Feilde and a close called Upper Broade Crofte with the tithes thereof. 6s 9d. 51. Nicholas Pantinge for fyve acres of pasture called Wisdomes Furlonge with the tithes thereof. 18d. 52. Baldwyn Smith for a messuage called Crosse House. 6s. 53. John Brooke for a tenement and 6 acres and a roode of meadowe and pasture with the tithes thereof. 10s. 54. Edeth Kente for a cottage three acres and three toods of pasture. 3s 4d. 55. William Lewin for a cottage and halfe an acre of grounde lyinge in Clichborrowes Greene. 12d. 56. Dorothe Nicholas for a cottage at Berristrete Ende and a litle close of pasture adjoyning called Litle Berrie Close. 3s 4d. 57. Jefferie Skull for a cottage garden orcharde and a plott of grounde at the easte end of the Buthey. 4s. 58. Elianor Beale for a close called Woodclose. 20s. 59. William Henley for a close of pasture called Frittoes. 8s 4d. 60. William Stickehall in the right of Anne his wife for a close of pasture called Ipcrofte Furlonge. 5s. 61. Thomas Lewyn for a pasture called Lyncecroft. 3s 10d. 62. John Skull for a close of pasture called Ley Close. 6s 8d. 63. John Shearer for the scite of the manor & divers closes of meadowe and pasture. £8. 64. Thomas Goldinge fof a meadowe called Litle Spachenham. 7s 8d. 65. William Taylor for a close of pasture in Windmill Feilde called Ipcrofts. 3s 4d. 66. Thomas Walker for a close of pasture called Horsecroft and the tithes thereof. 2s. 67. John Fry for a close of pasture called Parkers Furlonge. 15s. 68. (blank) Lucas for a meadowe called Woodbridge and a close called Oxheyes with the tithes of ye same. 10s 10d. 69. John Beale for a cottage and a close of pasture. 4s. 70. William Bailiffe for a cottage and a close of pasture. 4s. 71. Alice Bercer for a cottage & halfe a roode of pasture. 12d. 72. Hughe Mathewe for a cottage and an orcharde conteyninge halfe a roode. 3s 4d. 73. John Troinhoe for a cottage and halfe an acre of pasture. 3s 4d. 74. John Winkworth for a cottage and an acre of pasture. 3s 4d. 75. Nicholas Smith for a cottage and a close. 4s. 76. Elizabeth Davis for a cottage and an acre of pasture. 16d. 77. Robert Waters for a cottage and an acre of pasture. 4s 4d. 78. Richard Greeneway for a cottage. 20d. 79. John Coules for a cottage and halfe an acre of lande. 4s. 80. Margaret Heale for a cottage and a garden. 2s. 81. John Skull for a cottage and halfe an acre of pasture. 12d. 82. James Skull for a cottage and a garden. 12d. 83. John Bourne for a cottage with an orcharde. 2s. 84. Issabell Hedges for a cottage & a close. 2s. 85. Elizabeth Pope for a cottage and a garden and 3 acres of meadow. 3s 4d. 86. Thomas Pinnell for a cottage and a garden. 12d. 87. Alice Emetts for a cottage & halfe a roode of pasture. 2s. Sum total per annum £51 9s 1d whereof the fermor hath for meade silver 20d hennes 18 couples cockes 8 couples mowers 6 in number heymakers A true Rentall of the manor or Lordship of Hankerton Freetenants of that manor 88. John Hibberd yeoman 3s 4d ob. 89. Roger Clearke yeoman 6d. 90. John Warneforde Esquier 6d. 91. Henrie Poole Esquier - see court. 92. The same Henrie Poole 2s. Summ of free tenants per annum 6s 4d ob. Copie holders of that manor 93. Justinian Smith 13s 4d. 94. John Panter 23s 5d ob. 2s for pannage. 95. Thomas Stocke 10s 11d ob. 2d for pannage. 96. Robert Wie 26s 4d. 97. John Haywarde 16s. 98. Robert Woodwarde 32s 2d. 2d for pannage. 99. Margerie Dicke widowe 21s 5d. 2d for pannage. 100. John Curtis 17s 3d ob. 101. John Curtis 6s 1d. 102. Richard Gagge 10d. 103. Richard Gagge 20d. 104. (blank) 14d. 105. Edmund Browne 8s 11d. 106. John Gagge junior 12s ob. 107. Henrie Erington 11s 11d. 108. John Looker 13s 109. Robert Panter 5s. 110. John Heade 5s 11d 111. William Perin 3s 5d ob. 112. John Browne 13s 4d. 113. William Collier 14s 5d. 114. Henrie Miles 4s 5d ob. 115. John Gagge 4s 5d ob. 116. Robert Miles 5s. 117. William Mayor 4d. 118. John Packer 19s 9d. Sum of customary tenants per annum £14 14d ob. Pannage certen 8d. Indenture holders of that manor 119. John Browne 35s 4d. 120. Joane Gagge widowe 2s 6d. 121. William Ridler 33s 4d. Sum total of all the yerelie rents of free tenants copie holders indenture holders pannage certayne and of the parsonage amounteth to my lorde £28 12s 5d. Helde by oulde leases 122. Westlie Ferme 146 acres Mr Worledges lease 24 acres John Freman 6 acres A small ferme 41 acres Of this in arable 17 of meadowe 32 acres 2 roods of pasture 24 acres 1 roode 123. Berden. Richard Woode payeth per annum £160. The quite rents there £19. profitts of courtes there And 6 acres of wood of 20 yeres grouth vallued per annum £20. Ponnsalle Mannor rented per annum £99 16s 6d. The tithe and the Sheepecourse reserved to my lord. Morden rented per annum £161 13s. This next yere yt wilbe per annum £120. Debden in comites per annum £33 13s. besides profitts of courtes 4d. This is in lease for 21 yeres worth per annum above the newe rente £200. Honey Ferme esteemed to be worth per annum £100. Chesterford per annum £300. The sume of all this is £915 2s. 124. Mr Coote his lease beinge about in the More per annum £200. A true Rentall of the manor or Lordship of Brookenboroughe made the first daye of August 1602 in the 44 yere of Her Majesties reign. Freetenants 125. Sir Walter Longe knight - see court. 126. The heires of Sir John Danvers knight 9d. 127. James Stumbe gent 2d ob. 128. Henrie Edrington gent 9s 6d. 129. The heires of Anthoney Hinton 26s. 130. The heires of Anthoney Welle - see court. 131. John Parsons 1d. Sum of rent for the free tenants 36s 6d ob. Copie holders 132. William Ridler 29s 2d. Court silver 16d. 133. John Speake 12s 1d. Court silver 8d. 134. John Osborne 15s 11d. Court silver 16d. 135. Richard Harrison 12s 1d. Court silver 8d. 136. Richard Selwyn 25s 2d. Court silver 16d. 137. Robert Nicholles 10s 1d. Court silver 8d. 138. Thomas Witts 6s 8d. 139. John Pitte 16d. 140. Jacke Walter 16s 1d. Court silver 8d. 141. Elizabeth Nicholles 9s 1d. Court silver 8d. 142. Joane Richards 9s 1d. Court silver 8d. 143. William Foscotte 3s 4d. 144. Richard Specke 16d 1d. Court silver 8d. 145. Homfrey Kinge 20s 1d. Court silver 8d. 146. Joane Sparrowe 11s 1d. Court silver 8d. 147. Richard Pleyer 21s 10d. Court silver 16d. 148. John Kinge 12s 1d. Court silver 8d. 149. Anne Tirtle 20s 1d. Court silver 8d. 150. Edmund Bayliffe 7s 1d. 151. William Hebbes 2s. 152. Thomas Sarny 20d. 153. Joane Richards 2s. 154. Richard Rouche 5s 1d. Court silver 8d. Sum of rent for customary tenants per annum £13 9s 2d. Court silver 15s 4d. Indenture Copieholders of that manor 155. Jane Nicholles gent £18. 156. John Browne 9s. 157. Gyles Yeate 2s. 158. Thomas Pitcher £8. 159. Richard Moodie Esquier 33s 4d. 160. John Earle £5 6s 8d. 161. William Witts 20d. 162. Maulde Whiller 11s 1d. 163. Julian Kinge 11s. Court silver 8d. 164. William White £13 6s 8d. 165. Robert Miller 9s 4d. 166. Edmond Sansum £40. 167. Jane Nicholles gent - a pounde of pepper. 168. Thomas Eastcourte Esquiere 36s 4d. 169. Thomas Eastcourte Esquiere for Reades 20s. 170. Thomas Eastcourte for Blackemories 13s 4d. Sum of indenture holders per annum £92 5d a pounde of pepper. INDEX OF PLACES AND FIELD NAMES Bagges 15 Bakers 33 Barkers Heyes 33 Bawldins 14 Berden 123 Berristrete 56 Birdes 18 Blackemories 170 Breaches 33 Broad Meade 21 Broade Meade 24 Buthey 57 Chesterford 123 Church Crofte 21 Churchams 31 Clichborrowes Greene 55 Combe Close 17 Cornecrofte 33 Crosse House 52 Cultabius 8 Dell 34 Downe Crofte 17 East Leighe 23 Easte Close 31 Easte Leighe 35 Eastleighe 15, 30 Fletchers 20 Fosters 17 Freemans als Selwyns 26 Frittoes 29, 59 Gillings 17 Glasse lands 45 Glasselande 33 Gorwyaes als Cops 18 Graselande 5 Hargrave 5 Hargrove 49 Hargrove, West 41-43 Hartes 22 Harts 23 Hodds Crofte 27 Home Close 21, 25 Home Meade 26 Homeclose 17, 30 Honey Ferme 123 Horse Crofte 8, 44 Horsecroft 66 Horsham 8 Hourehouse 24 Howells 22, 23 Ipcrofte Furlonge 60 Ipcrofts 65 Johnes Greene 46 Lacies 18 Large Acre 50 Leigh Field 31 Ley Close 62 Litle Berrie Close 56 Litle Hammes 24 Litle Meade 22 Longe Crofte 24 Longe Meade 33 Lyncecroft 61 Maurice 13 Millards 10 More, the 124 Munbreache 22 Nether West Field 31, 44 North Crofte 21 Oder 8 Over Lease 26 Over West Field 25 Oxheyes 68 Pacyes als Healehouse 9 Parkers 7 Parkers Barton 7 Parkers Furlonge 8, 67 Parkers Meade 7 Paynes 19 Phelps 24 Pingles 47 Pitts lands 48 Pleyers 10, 25 Ponnsalle Manor 123 Pudsudge 50 Putsuge 30 Rampst 27 Reades 169 Seelies 3 Sheepecourse 123 Sheepecrofte 33 Sheepehouse Close Furlonge 40 Sheepehouse Furlonge 39 Sibbills 16 Slade Close 44 Slade House 32 Slowebridge 27 Spachenham, Great 4 Spachenham, Litle 64 Stephens 14 Stockemeade 26 Taylers 30 Upper Broade Crofte 50 Velde 36 Waters Holes 28 Webbes Lane 14 West Field 21, 44 Westlie Ferme 122 White Williams 35 Windmill Field 20-23, 31, 33, 50, 65 Wingods 11 Wisdomes 3, 28 Wisdomes Furlonge 51 Wood Close 24 Woodbridge 68 Woodclose 21, 58 Worth 8, 21 Wyving Hall 31 INDEX OF PERSONS Arnolde Richard 29 Bailiffe William 70 Barnes John 23 William 32 Bayliffe Edmund 150 Beale 8 Alice 34 Elianor 58 Elizabeth 31 Humfrey 34 John 31, 69 Robert 14, 15 Thomas 24 William 8, 13, 14, 42, 47, 48 Becke Richard 20 Bercer Alice 71 Bleeke John 49 Bourne John 83 Brooke John 53 Browne Edmund 105 John 112, 119, 156 Clarke Joane 12 William 12, 41 Clearke Roger 89 Collier William 113 Coote 124 Coules John 79 Curtis John 100, 101 Danvers John 126 Davis Elizabeth 76 Davis als Tayler John 2 Dicke Margerie 99 Dixson Thomas 50 Dobbes Agnes 19 Durren William 40 Earle John 160 Eastcourte Thomas 168-170 Edrington Henrie 128 Emetts Alice 87 Emott Nicholas 45 Erington Henrie 107 Foscotte Elizabeth 36 William 143 Freman John 122 Fry John 67 Michaell 26 Gagge Joane 120 John 106, 115 Richard 102, 103 Goldinge Thomas 64 Greeneway Richard 78 Harrison Richard 135 Haywarde Christian 21 John 97 Heade John 110 Heale Margaret 80 Hebbes William 151 Hedges Issabell 84 Henley William 59 Henlie Margarete 6 William 28 Hibberd John 88 Hinton Anthoney 129 Hollowaye Richard 37 Johnes Agnes 18 George 18 Kente Edeth 54 Kinge Homfrey 145 John 148 Julian 163 Lewen John 3 Thomas 17 Lewin William 55 Lewyn Thomas 61 Longe Walter 125 Looker John 108 Lucas 68 Mathewe Hughe 72 Mayor William 117 Messeter Nicholas 39 Miles Henrie 114 Robert 116 Miller Robert 165 Moodie Richard 159 Nicholas Dorothe 56 Nicholles Elizabeth 141 Jane 155, 167 Robert 137 Osborne John 134 Packer John 118 Panter John 94 Robert 109 Pantinge Nicholas 51 Parsons Agnes 38 John 131 Perin William 111 Phillips John 22 Pinnell Richard 33 Thomas 86 Pinnill Johane 43, 44 John 27 Ralphe 25 Pitcher Thomas 158 Pitte John 139 Pleyer Richard 147 Poole Henrie 91, 92 Pope Elizabeth 85 Powle Henrie 1 Richards Joane 142, 153 Richmonde John 5 Ridler William 121, 132 Rouche Richard 154 Sansum Edmond 166 Sarny Thomas 152 Selwyn Richard 136 Shearer John 63 Sherer Elizabeth 16 John 7 Thomas 9 Skull James 82 Jefferie 57 John 35, 62, 81 Smith Baldwyn 52 Justinian 93 Nicholas 75 Sparrowe Joane 146 Speake John 133 Specke Richard 144 Stickehall Anne 60 William 60 Stocke Thomas 95 Stumbe James 127 Taylor William 65 Thorne Elizabeth 37 Joan 11 Tirtle Anne 149 Troinhoe John 73 Trumplin Thomas 4 Walker Thomas 30, 66 Wallis Edmund 10 Walter Jacke 140 Warneforde John 90 Waters Robert 77 Welle Anthoney 130 Whiller Maulde 162 White Ambrose 46 William 164 Wie Robert 96 Winkworth John 74 Witts Thomas 138 William 161 Woode Richard 123 Woodwarde Robert 98 Worledge 122 Yeate Gyles 157 ?? ERO D/DBy M159 Page 26 Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994